March 8, 2021
Mosaicoa: Enhanced Security And Refreshed Front-end
IT Analytics,

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Product managers can be guilty of gravitating to their applications ‘functional requirements’ – features that our end users will benefit from and use all the time. Naturally, products also have ‘non-functional’ requirements, a set of rules to make the product operate effectively – such as limits on how much data the client can access etc. In the latest mosaic release, I am pleased to say we have both! Let’s start on the non-functional.

Enhanced Security

mosaicOA is leveraged by some of the most well-known firms in the capital markets and beyond. A common thread in modern firms is stringent IT security reviews, audits, and compliance. As a data-driven product, mosaic has always needed to achieve high standards of security to match and adapt to customers’ requirements.

These include:

  • Complex password policies

  • Forced password change configuration

  • Password locking and expiry enhancements

  • Customisable session timeouts

Mosaic comes with out the box policies which cater to most firms; however, these new enhancements are available to the customer administrator to set, enforce and change to align with their ITSEC policies.

New Graphics and Default Colour Scheme

Our wonderful Marketing and Graphics teams worked with our developers on tweaking the look of mosaic – as you can see – there was some blue-sky thinking! The product has never looked sharper and I was messaged by clients soon after rollout with compliments.

If you look at the pie chart, the standard mosaic ‘3D shading’ has been removed and applied against a structured colour scheme. This modernises and sharpens the colours to stand out, contrast yet still complement each other. 

The heatmap also drops the 3D shading, but now has a Red/Amber/Blue (instead of green). Going against the standard ‘traffic lights’ system that you commonly see in monitoring – this helps the critical/warnings leap out at you. It’s also a subtle reminder of mosaics status as an observational analytics platform to demonstrate trends and behaviours.

Improved Y-Axis Control

In the capital markets, our clients focus in on low latency and microsecond precision. This has always been a feature of mosaic, but our clients wanted more control over setting a Y-Axis to a very low level – 0.0001 or beyond.

Improved Fixed Y-Axis Control – the user defines how high or low you need to be

The Axis Adjustments capability now has improved controls so you can fix the format to decimal levels (+/-) to whatever the numeric is on your Y-Axis. 

Any dataset beyond the set axis will no longer be displayed. As shown in the screenshots, the client can see the anomalous spikes from time synchronization data – this can provide early bird notification of network issues in a data centre.  

Finally – we picked the colour purple for these visualizations to recognize International Women’s Day; a time to celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness against bias and take action for equality.

– Steve Moreton, Global Head of Product Management, CJC

Learn more about mosaicOA

For more information or to request a demo, please contact CJC

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